Most suitable moulder for rustical types of bread, which includes bread with pointed sides
The Combi U long moulder can handle a wide range of dough types, including very wet dough.
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- Bypass possible for non-sheeted dough pieces
- Perfect moulding results of both stiff and soft dough
- Precise centring of dough pieces before sheeting
- Perfect sheeting by combining sheeting rollers and flattening rollers
Performance, maximum benefits and modular options
The Combi U is a long moulder suitable for the production of various breads. This long moulder is capable of handling round, long and flat dough pieces, whereas non-sheeted dough can processed via a bypass to be folded only. The roller pairs can be opened, serving as conveying rollers for the production of round loaves and rye dough. The curling net of the Combi U is adjustable, regulating the pressure on the dough piece as to reach the best end result.